Search Consulting
At In10, our focus is simple and straightforward: We are Cupid for our candidate’s career! We find "The One" for our client companies! Like any great matchmaker, we seek to truly understand. We’re familiar with not just the information on our candidate’s resume, but also know their values, goals, and dreams. We have insight beyond just a company’s job description, as we partner with our clients to really know their organizational culture and strategy. And when all these pieces fit together, we know that we’ve found a match!
Recognizing that relationships take work, we embrace a growth mindset as we connect with our candidates and clients. We believe that talent can be developed, so we offer coaching to our candidates once placed in order to help increase alignment with their new employer. In10’s partnership with client companies helps create an inspired environment that encourages collaboration and innovation.
Organizational Development Consulting
With over 50 combined years of continuous improvement, finance, HR, and operations experience, In10 can support your company in improving business performance. As the world is rapidly changing and labor markets disrupted, companies must strategically manage their workforce and intentionally design agile organizational structures. This type of significant change management requires a holistic approach. In partnership with In10, we can ask the right questions in order to support transformation into a dynamic, high-performing company for tomorrow.